Monday, December 21, 2009

Saving Our Pennies & Nickels & Dimes...

"Save your pennies!" Those were the exact words from one of the office staff at the doctor's office in California we have been consulting with regarding Ryan's surgeries to repair the microtia (outer ear). We hadn't had any contact with them since our initial contact a year ago when we sent Ryan's medical records and pictures. Since then, we had done some very preliminary scans of our health insurance policy and felt as if we had found the loophole that addressed "congenital birth defects". Since they have recommended that Ryan be 6 years old when they begin the surgeries, it is really too soon for them to answer our "out of the pocket" costs questions as so much can change with insurance policies - And now, good ole' O**m*'s health care plan might mix it all up further. It appears that it is going to be best for us to begin the surgeries in January of 2012 due to meeting deductibles and such. There will be 5 surgeries in all just for the outer ears and all will be done in CA. Anesthesiologists, medical center, etc are "In Network" while the doctors are "Out of Network"... UGH!! I am so confused and still have no real answers except this is going to be a long road with no real answers until we are ready to dive in. So, I guess we will take their advice and start saving our pennies. We are going to have to get creative!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What a journey...

Some then and now photos....

Ryan has been a part of our family for 2 years today. It is amazing the journey God has taken us on and we can not imagine life without our lil' fella! I know that we have said this a lot, but we can't say it enough...Ryan has brought that little spark of energy and that contagious laughter to our family! I have been involved in a bible study on Wednesday nights at our church for the last 8 weeks or so. I felt like I was being so redundant when answering the questions in the workbook as many of them brought me back somehow to a response that involved our adoption of Ryan. But, you know what... I can honestly say that God revealed Himself to me in more ways than I could have ever have imagined through the adoption of Ryan. Only one other time can I say that I have learned as much about God as I have through Ryan's adoption. That involved our journey from Texas to Kentucky. What I do need to note is that neither of these journeys were simple or expected. They were not without conflict and struggle. But, I can say that God knows us and will do whatever it takes to get us where He wants us. I am in awe of how God can take one situation or circumstance to teach us so many valuable lessons! We have seen God move mountains to bring our family together and today is another reminder of how blessed we are to have Ryan in our lives. Eleven years ago, we were unsure if we would ever have children and look at us now. God has blessed us threefold!