Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Now...For an even BIGGER surprise!!

Hold on to your seats!!! We got a call this afternoon from our adoption agency...One, I never imagined we would get, but we are thrilled to no end! Our travel coordinator called to tell us that our TA (Travel Approval) had arrived (this was the last little piece of red tape paperwork that we have been waiting for). I was excited to know that it had come, but had no clue what the travel coordinator was going to propose next....He said that if we chose to, we could possible travel and have Ryan home for Christmas. My mind was saying "YES! YES!", but it was really not my decision to make since I am not the one actually going...So, to make a long story short, I called Mike (who happened to be in a meeting) and sang him my rendition of "Happy Birthday" (today is his birthday) before breaking into the exciting option. He said "yes" and now we are sitting here trying to let it all soak in. If we get the consulate appointment for December 17th, Mike and Morgan would leave for China on December 6th - Yes, you read that right...10 DAYS FROM NOW!!! Holy cow!!! We won't know anything until we can confirm this appointment (hopefully, tomorrow or Wednesday - could be as late as Monday) and then we will have to be sure we can get airline tickets...But, the possibility is there!!!!! Still in a state of shock, but we are so excited!!! Say some prayers for the Reagles when you go to bed tonight...I will keep you posted!!!

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